Main service
Consulting, Implementing IT solutions, Outsoursing work processes
Consulting, Implement, Outsource solutions for Hotels
The future
service for Hoteliers is setting focus on core service, helping guests to have a
pleasant stay and outsource bookings, night watch & security, cleaning, bookings
& marketing and IT service to those who are better specialized in these
can help tourism and hospitality industries to replace expensive human labor
with technological labor. This helps reduce labor costs, but also helps avoid
customer service issues.
Night watch and Security
Monitoring cameras.
Telephone call at hotel closing time.
Issued problems if the assignment is important, otherwise referred to during hotel opening hours.
Night watch and Security ->
Bookings, price & sales channel management
Email monitoring & answering service
Completion of bookings in a booking system
Follow-up of inquiries and bookings
Booking travel and event services
Daily variable price controls and price management
Optimizing sales channels to maximize book count.
Installation of new sales pages
Bookings, price & sales channel management ->
Marketing service
Advice and implementation of marketing policy
Liaison with travel agencies and travel agents
Liaison with travel agencies and travel agents
<- Marketing service
Operational service
Treasury and profitability analysis
Treasury and profitability analysis
IT & Communication
<- Operational service
Features and characteristics of services
- There is great potential for night-time integration and hotel booking services in the coming years
- Demands for better and faster accommodation services are increasing with increasing technology
- Demand for increased access to information, automation and faster services is becoming increasingly important in tourism
- Hotel operations have changed little over the last century, but the pace of progress is increasing as demands for increased ROI are growing and investors want to see a return on their investment much earlier than before
- Night shifts have often been thought of as a necessity to have on-site shifts, and the role of night shifts is mainly to stay alert. With a central call center and modern computer technology, it is possible to manage more hotels at a lower cost.
- The booking service is a new intimacy, offering services using the booking systems used by the hotel in question. This requires a minor transformation of hotel governance at the outset and over time, better and more efficient organization and information flow can be developed.